Talofa lava
For the past few weeks Room 9 has been doing engineering like aerospace engineering, Structural engineering, and more.
My group chose Aerospace engineering, and made an aeroplane out of cardboard, We carved the body of the plane using a utility knife. We made a plane that looks like a (Military) cargo plane. If you don’t know what A Cargo plane is. a Cargo plane is a massive that can deliver goods individually in one piece. It also has massive wings that are combined with the roof. Our plane looks like a cargo plane But it can’t fly. one of the members in our group brought a motor that would have made our cardboard plane fly. But it didn’t work. But we still worked on our project and made some Upgrades to it. We are still working on it, and is almost finished.
Whats your favourite type of engeneering?
Tofa soifua