21/06/24 T2 – Reading response – Ambassador

Talofa lava

We are learning what Ambassador are, and what they do.

This week were given a task, our task was to find out what Ambassadors are. Ambassadors are people who represent countries or people by playing a sport or visiting a place. Ambassadors are many people you might now like Brian Too, Dallin Watene Zelenziak, and many more. But I am here to explain more details about what ambassadors are. Ambassadors are student leaders who serve fellow students in the centre for career and professional Development. Being an ambassador can be a highly rewarding and exiting job.

Idioms – antagonist

Talofa lava

we are learning to add idioms we know goes well with an antagonist

This week we were given a task to find idioms that go with an antagonist. If you’re wondering what an antagonist is, an antagonist is a bad guy. But on the other hand is the protagonist, a protagonist is someone who stops the antagonist from hurting people, and the antagonist goals is to stop the protagonist from achieving his goals.



Idiom’s (Antagonist) by Exodus Galovale, Johfritz Francis

Digital footprint

Talofa lava

We are learning to create and find different types of cyber smart challenges.

This week we were given new cyber smart challenges, This challenge was to give us a hint about what it is, who can see it and what our digital footprint says about us. We were given images that we could copy and paste on to the next slide, but adjusting it so it would realistically create footprints. This challenge was fun because I liked it because when I switch side it looked like an actual person walked through. I wish I could of added more but these were the only image I could choose.

Tofa soifua

Kiribas Crisis – Reading response

Kam Na Bane Ni Mauri,

We are learning interesting facts about Kiribati

Kiribati is a small island in the south pacific ocean where they are facing a global challenge that will make their island dissapear by this century. For this slide show I had to research about the beautiful island of Kiribati. What I had to do was research about what is happening in Kiribati and as well as finding out different facts from the book or research. I found out that Kiribati has 33 islands, and had one of the biggest coral atoll in the world.  There are many facts about this country but there are many more fascinating stuff such as Kiribati is the most ahead of time making them the first country to have new years. Also there are many things about the island as well because some islands in Kiribati are called Paris, London,Banana and lastly Poland. The reason they are named after  these countries you might know, is because these countries were attempting to take over Kiribati.Have you been to Kiribati?

Tofa Soifua


Talofa lava,

this week room 9 are learning to find new idioms

For this week’s, weekly choice board we had the option to choose whether we wanted to start off with prefixes or idioms. I started off with the idioms because I would take some of the ideas, and add it to the suffixes. The idioms were fun and confusing because some of the idioms I just didn’t understand, like seventh heaven. but my favourite one was Don’t cry over spilt milk, because it mean you shouldn’t be sad about something that is in the past, or something that you can’t do anything about it. I really liked this weeks idioms, lots of new and interesting idioms that I had learnt.

What was your favourite idiom?

Tofa soifua



Reading – self assessment

Talofa lava

This week for reading we have been given a self assessment. We were given a doc shared by our teacher. It was a doc were we would have to highlight a sentence one to four. I think I’ve done well reading this but I know I could have done better. I think I have been improving a lots because I felt a lot more confident while reading this.


HAL – End ball

Kia Ora

this week, we went outside for P.E to play a game called end ball. Its a sport similar to net ball. End ball is all about being, positive, using teamwork, being smart, moving out to spaces, and showing positive communication. The game is to pass the balls five times, but to five different people each time. Once you have passed the ball five times you have to get the ball to the person at the other end. If you have completed that and given the ball to your teammate on the other side that is one point. But make sure you don’t drop the ball or get the ball taken off you. Because you would have to start again and pass to five others again.


Have you played end ball?

Tofa soifua