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We are learning interesting facts about Kiribati

Kiribati is a small island in the south pacific ocean where they are facing a global challenge that will make their island dissapear by this century. For this slide show I had to research about the beautiful island of Kiribati. What I had to do was research about what is happening in Kiribati and as well as finding out different facts from the book or research. I found out that Kiribati has 33 islands, and had one of the biggest coral atoll in the world.  There are many facts about this country but there are many more fascinating stuff such as Kiribati is the most ahead of time making them the first country to have new years. Also there are many things about the island as well because some islands in Kiribati are called Paris, London,Banana and lastly Poland. The reason they are named after  these countries you might know, is because these countries were attempting to take over Kiribati.Have you been to Kiribati?

Tofa Soifua

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